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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 687303



META-REFLECTOR will demonstrate the viability and scalability of the proposed technology as follows:

  • We will develop meta-material structures of thickness ≤ 1 µm, with alpha, epsilon and electrical characteristics approaching and possibly matching the requirements of an OSR application (target alpha ≤ 0.1; target epsilon ≥ 0.8);
  • We will develop "smart" meta-material structures with integrated phase-change materials, that combine low solar absorbance with an  appreciable emissivity contrast between the cold phase and the hot phase (epsilonhot - epsiloncold ≥ 0.2, goal = 0.5);
  • We will manufacture lab demonstrators of meta-OSRs and smart meta-OSRs, on very thin plastic and metal foils (target = 1-2 MIL), with AIT and mechanical durability characteristics approaching and possibly matching the requirements of an OSR application (in terms of adhesion before and after thermal cycling and thermal endurance, adhesion after bending and handling, ...);
  • We will manufacture meta-OSR structures by Nano Imprint Lithography, an industrially scalable process, on plastic foils of size = 6 inch. 
  • We will define a roadmap to scale up the NIL process to larger areas (A4 foils or larger), and estimate scale up and production costs;
  • We will analyze the technical results in terms of market opportunities, and define a roadmap for the further development, qualification and exploitation of the results.

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